Carnegie Mellon University

School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Read the information below to learn about our Undergraduate admission requirements. Please note that undergraduate applicants must apply to CMU via the Common App and the School of Music via the Acceptd Application.

  • AUGUST 1: CMU Common App opens.
  • SEPTEMBER 1: CMU School of Music Acceptd application opens.
  • DECEMBER 1: CMU Common App and Acceptd applications close for School of Music applicants. All music materials due.
  • EARLY JANUARY: Letters of recommendation due January 5. Pre-screening decisions, interview requests, and audition times released early January.
  • LATE JANUARY - FEBRUARY: Audition Days.
  • EARLY APRIL: Undergraduate decision letters released from the CMU Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
  • MAY 1: Undergraduate student commitment deadline.

NOTE: CMU Early Decision is not available for Music applicants. 

  • Review the academic requirements and guidelines through the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
  • Review the audition/portfolio requirements for your program of study.
    • Pre-screening areas: Flute, Piano, Tuba, Violin, Voice
    • Portfolio/interview areas: Composition, Electronic Music, Music & Technology
  • Complete the Common Application. Indicate one of four options on Section IV of the application:
    • Performance
    • Composition 
    • Electronic Music
    • Music & Technology

NOTE: BXA only becomes available as an application option once you have selected an Arts area as one of your two major selections. 

Complete the CMU School of Music Acceptd Application, which includes the following:

  • $55 USD application fee.
  • Program-specific questions: 1) What are your academic and musical goals? 2) Describe your musical training. 3) Explain your reasons for applying to the CMU School of Music.
  • Music resume.
  • Pre-screen recordings (where applicable).
  • Repertoire list/portfolio (where applicable).
  • 650-word personal statement (this can be the same as your CommonApp and does not have to be exactly 650 words. Please feel free to use a supplemental or main Common App essay).
  • Submit one letter of recommendation from a private teacher or ensemble instructor online through the Acceptd application. NOTE: this is separate from recommendations required by the Common App.

Fee waivers are processed directly with Acceptd.

All undergraduate applicants who would like to apply for a fee waiver based on financial need should follow this Acceptd guide.

Once you have gathered the appropriate documentation, you can reach out to the Acceptd Support Team.

The CMU Office of Undergraduate Admission notifies applicants the final status of their applications. This communication will include all programs or colleges students have applied to within CMU.

Contact Us

For more information about the undergraduate application process, please visit our FAQ

Should you have additional questions, please contact the School of Music Office of Recruitment & Enrollment at